BlindMatrix Privacy Notice
At BlindMatrix, we understand that we have a responsibility to protect and respect your privacy and to look after the personal data that we hold for you on our application.
For clarity, BlindMatrix Ltd is the data processor of your personal data. Personal data refers to information about your company, staff, products that are sold, and customers.
We must advise you that this policy is subject to change, so please check our terms and conditions, which are located on our website, regularly for any further changes.
Who are we?
BlindMatrix Ltd is a software provider for the window blinds industry, based in London. BlindMatrix Ltd has a registered office at Challenge House, Sherwood Drive, Milton Keynes MK3 6DP, United Kingdom. Vivek Rao is the registered Data Protection Officer for BlindMatrix.
How do we collect personal data from you?
When you use the BlindMatrix software located at the domain name and enter your unique log in details, data will be sent to the BlindMatrix server. Data will also be sent to us when you contact us with a support ticket, email, or telephone.
If you provide us with personal data about a third party (for example, information about your own customers), you warrant that you have obtained express consent from the third party for the disclosure and use of their personal data.
Your personal data may be automatically collected when you use our services, including but not limited to, your IP address, server logs, device event information, and location information.
Retention periods
We will keep your personal data for the duration of the period you are a customer of BlindMatrix. We shall retain your data only for as long as necessary in accordance with applicable laws.
Upon the closure of your account, we may keep your data for up to 6 months after you have canceled your services with us. We may not be able to delete your data before this time due to our legal and/or accountancy obligations. We may also retain it for research or statistical purposes.
Who has access to your personal data?
Below is a list of third-party companies that have access to your personal data and are all GDPR compliant:
Customer support
BlindMatrix Pvt Ltd: Customer Support is handled through our head office in Milton Keynes, UK, and our Indian office in Chennai, India.
Data storage
AWS (Ohio, USA) hosts the server where we store personal data for clients across the Americas, including North and South America.
AWS (London, UK) hosts the server where we store personal data for clients across Europe and Africa.
AWS (Sydney, Australia) hosts the server where we store personal data for clients in the Asia-Pacific region, including Australia and New Zealand.
They follow accepted ISO standards to store and protect the personal data we provide, including the use of encryption if appropriate. All data is stored on their secured servers within the EEA.
When we provide you (or when you choose) a password that enables you to access certain parts of the BlindMatrix software, you are responsible for keeping the password confidential. We ask you not to share your password with anyone.
Email hosting
Mailgun Technologies, Inc, located in San Francisco, USA, provides email facilities.
Text messaging
Fonix Ltd, located in London, UK, provides text message services.
Your rights
You have the right to delete, remove, or stop using your personal data if there is no need for us to keep it. This is known as your right to be forgotten. There are legal and accountancy reasons why we will need to keep your data, but please inform us if you think we are retaining or using your personal data incorrectly.
Our Privacy Notice shall be made clear to you at the point of collection of your personal data.
You can view, edit, or delete your personal data through the BlindMatrix software.
We will never pass on your data to a third party but may contact you if we feel another product or service that we provide could be beneficial for you. You have the right to ask us not to process your personal data for marketing purposes.
We agree to take reasonable measures to protect your data in accordance with applicable laws and our General Terms and Conditions:
Data Breaches
In the event of a data breach, we shall ensure that our obligations under applicable data protection laws are complied with, where necessary.
Contact us
Please email any questions or comments you have about privacy to us at
Use of cookies
Our cookies policy is available to view here:
Your right to make a complaint
You have the right to make a complaint about how we process your personal data to the Information Commissioner:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Tel: 0303 123 1113